Sunday, March 6, 2011

location scouting

I've had this idea to photograph my nieces in this area at Borderland State Park in Easton.  One of my favorite spots in the park is the area behind the Ames Mansion.  It's a cool little rock garden with stone steps to different levels which lead down to the remains of the mansion's old swimming pool.

I went the other day to check out if the spot still existed.  It does, but it's kinda ugly right now.  Definitely have to wait until spring.  And even though I think my little Coolpix has been dropped one too many times and is dying a slow painful death, I took a few pictures and got a few more ideas for my shoot.  Below are some mostly silly pictures of my not-so-little-anymore munchkins.

We also made it down to the the Lodge- just an empty stone cabin type of building at the edge of a pond.  BUT, they did use the outside of it for a scene in "Shutter Island"!  

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